Sunday, November 27, 2022

Chile: Part 1--the Atacama Desert

We made it to Chile! After boarding a collectivo in Tacna and crossing the border, we arrived in Arica, Chile with plenty of time to spare to catch our night bus, even with the time change (Chile is GMT -3). Our 7hr bus ride started fine, but was interrupted with lots of mid-night stops and we were all pretty tired by the time we arrived in Calama. We loitered at the bus station for a few hours before grabbing an Uber to the airport (in hindsight, I would have left for the airport earlier--it's nice!), picking up our rental car, and driving the final 1:15 to San Pedro de Atacama and our AirBnB. We checked in and immediately relaxed/crashed! Grocery shopping here is a little like the Bahamas--not a ton of fresh stuff--but we stocked up for a few meals pretty easily. Our AirBnB is perfectly cute with a functional kitchen and even a wash basin outside for clothes.

Given the warmth of the afternoons, we've decided to explore in the mornings and do school in the afternoons. Wednesday we set out to visit the Valle de la Luna, but got sidetracked with a visit to Valle de la Muerte and Pucará de Quitor. This pre-Incan fort is located just outside of town and boasts spectacular views of the valley. We also got to visit the entrance of a cave used by the Atacameños people. 

Pucará de Quitor

Thursday we did make it to the Valle de la Luna! We weren't entirely sure what to expect, but about 2km into the park we began to fully appreciate how it got its name. There are so many interesting geological features to observe, including giant sand dunes, huge salt deposits, and impressive sedimentary features. And even though we came home to do school and chores, I did manage to pull of a version of an American Thanksgiving dinner, complete with a bird product and tons of veggies!

It's impossible to capture the vastness of this valley in photos.

#nailedit  Our AirBnB was perfectly comfortable for our needs and had just enough dishes for me to be able to cook a somewhat traditional Thanksgiving meal.

Friday we got up a little early (but not 0300 like the tours!) and headed two hours north on a very rough road to get to the El Tatio Geysers. Tour groups go early to be there as the sun rises, but we arrived at 0900 and still thought the 80+ geysers were pretty spectacular (and we were almost all alone!).

Such an amazing, steamy place!

Considering the need to do school, the bumpy roads, and just a general desire to chill, we stayed "home" for the weekend. Saturday we walked into town to walk around, watch a World Cup game, get some amazing ice cream, and visit the Meteorite Museum (I know it sounds nerdy, but it was cool!). Sunday was a bit of Saturday on repeat! 

Tonight, weather permitting, we will be heading out on an astrophotography tour! Stargazing was one of the reasons we came to the Atacama Desert and it's been cloudy! But tonight is looking good so far so we are optimistic that tonight is the night! I hope so because tomorrow we head to Santiago after a pretty fabulous week in the desert.

~Jo, Nomadic Momma

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