Friday, June 19, 2020

FINALLY! We are on the hard!

After leaving the boat Monday we FINALLY got the call Thursday afternoon that the boat had been hauled! I was in full-on panic mode as we are on the schedule to launch next week and we have lots to do!

We got to the boat today to start to assess the workload. After looking at the bottom paint condition and researching what was put on last year, we’ve made the tough decision to sand and repaint the whole bottom. I will also be compounding and waxing the hull. Today was assess, shop, and wash day! I also painstakingly removed the silver pinstripe that was above our boot strip. It had taken quite a bit of abuse from mooring balls and we thought the boat would just look better with it removed. 

We will spend the next few days battling heat, thunderstorms, and work that we’ve never done on our own before!

Assessment time!

Pinstripe removed, ICW mustache removed with lemon juice and on-and-off, and she got a bath!

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