Sunday, May 31, 2009
A no-sail weekend
Saturday, May 30, 2009
The Au Pair is here!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Box wine, "thumbs up"
Monday, May 25, 2009
We got underway flawlessly Friday and made it up to Utsalady Bay for an easy anchorage and enjoyed some yummy veggie tamales. We got a VERY early start Saturday thanks to the kids, but it put us in perfect position to go through Deception Pass on the 9 a.m. slack tide. The kids didn't appreciate the beauty, but I sure did! Hit a bit of rough water in Rosario Strait, then the psycho power-boater, then a wonderful day of sailing.
Sunday began with yet another paddle over to Skull Island and more climbing/exploring. Katreina simply loves to climb and despite the fear I have watching her scamper up rock faces, I secretly love it, too! Frank made all the necessary notes for his Geocache and we headed back to the boat. Getting the kayaks onboard was easy with the help of a spare halyard and a winch, and by lunchtime we were back out to sea, headed for Deception Pass and the afternoon slack water. Currents were a little more than we expected in Rosario Strait and we actually missed the slack by about a half hour. Thankfully the transit was still pretty easy. Our "Plan A" moorings at the state parks just east of the pass were already taken (it was about 5 p.m. by this time), but we found great anchorage on the south shore of Hope Island State Park. A group of folks was camping on the shore, but otherwise the spot was ours. Very nice. After another great meal of chicken grilled up by our wonderful Captain, Katreina actually asked if we could paddle! I love her! But is was almost bedtime so we just played on the boat and got rocked to sleep...
Monday greeted us with more fabulous sun and occasionally enough wind to sail! As much as we wanted to play on Hope Island, we decided to save it for another trip and head home to the marina as the kids were anxious to head to a playground. We came in around 3 p.m. with about a dozen or so other boats, but were happy to find the fuel/pumpout dock open. Frank eased us into that dock and we gassed and dumped and were on our way! The kids were being surprisingly good, too! Frank made one pass at our dock, I did a jump that wasn't all that tough, and we were home. It was near perfect! We tied up quickly, chatted briefly with some neighbors, and headed off to the very busy park at the end of Marine View. We were happy. The kids were happy. And I am happy to tell the world I had an AWESOME weekend!!!!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
HELLO! I'm sailing here!
On a good note, the radio works well and the engine starts up on a dime!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Sick Day!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Our first guest!
Thankfully it was a wonderful weekend for a visit. She got to enjoy sitting on the bow, sipping wine, and watching the sun set over the Olympic Mts. Sunday we went to Kate's on Colby Ave for breakfast--FANTASTIC--before heading out to Index to show her the cabin (and clear the landslide off our walkway there!). Frank had to work hard to clear the sidewalk, but we managed to show Fawn and the kids the property, drive through Index, gauk at Sunset Falls, grab lunch at Mt. Index Cafe, and of course, hit Espresso Chalet for a pick-me-up before heading back to the boat. We capped off the evening with dinner and a kayak tour of the marina.
Today we wisked the kids off to daycare and got underway before 8am. First stop was the pump-out station so that we could calibrate our holding tank indicator and show off the less glamourous side of living on a boat. Then we were off! The wind picked up and we were able to kill the motor for a little circuit of Hat Island. Frank spotted a whale, but Fawn and I only heard it. Some seals, a sea lion, and some bald eagles rounded out the perfect morning sail, and we docked beautifully! Good thing, too--our "neighbor" was there so we would have felt pretty bad using his boat as a bumper!
After another wonderful meal at Kate's, Fawn was off to Bremerton for a week of work. It was a great visit and we're so glad we got to share so much of the wonderful PACNORWEST with her in just a short amount of time.
The other tidbits? Our heat didn't work the entire time so we were using a space heater. We ran out of fresh water this morning while underway. I somehow broke a pelican clasp on the lifeline right after we got underway. And the real kicker? While filling up the water after we got back I put the deck fill keys in my pocket only to have them fall out and immediately sink somewhere beneath the boat while I cried out, "Frank, Frank, Frank! Oh no, Frannnnnk!" On the plus side, the lifeline is fixed, the heat was fixed after a quick call to the guys at Sure Marine, and I think I've found a replacement for the deck fill keys. Talk about a GREAT weekend!