Saturday, October 23, 2010

Lincoln Arrives in 5th Fleet, Ready to Support Afghanistan Surge and Maritime Security Operations

Lincoln Arrives in 5th Fleet, Ready to Support Afghanistan Surge and Maritime Security Operations

Well, since the press release is out I guess I can go ahead and tell you all--we're here! It doesn't look much different from anything else I've seen thus far on the voyage...water, water everywhere. Water and haze, that is. Just an ever-present fine haze of dust in the air. But planes are flying and props are turning, so we're getting the job done.

As it's fall I'm missing my absolute favorite time of year back home. I love the chill in the air, the freedom to cook everything with cinnamon and nutmeg, the rustle of leaves, and wearing sweatshirts. There is no need to wear a sweatshirt here. And I miss the kids and their excitement to dress up for Halloween. This year Trent is old enough to really get into it, and Katreina is going to be a witch for the second time in her short life. The whole family sounds very happy and I'm happy for them, I just really wish I was there, too!

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