Sunday, April 7, 2019

Change of Plans...and it's all good!

This weekend we were planning to get underway, but seriously tired adults, sports practices, a really low tide when we were finally awake and ready to go, and plenty to do here led us to just stay put and knock out some projects.  Good thing, too!  First up, Frank was doing routine maintenance on the engine when this little guy fell off!  It was some sort of drain on the raw cooling water line and a little research led to the conclusion that it was added for some questionable reason and could be "eliminated."  He ran a new hose (super easy in a tight space, right?) and got us back in business in just a few hours.

While he was doing that Saturday, I played with my new washing machine!  Ok, my new washing system is probably more's my Washing Wand!  I washed some cleaning cloths and pillowcases just to try it out, but I think it's going to work well for our clothes.  Now I just need a wringer and I'll be all set (hint, hint, Frank!).

Work continued Sunday as he sorted out all the crap that has gathered in the nav station seat and I set to work recovering our wheel with a sweet kit from Boat Leather.  It took a while, my hands are killing me, and my neck is pretty stiff, but it's done and looks amazing!  

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